In this sub-project, a digital platform for monitoring wild and honey bees is designed, implemented and operated. We collect and combine regional and national data from different sources in one database. In the long term, the data is used to derive various indicators, to enable assessing to what extent agricultural practice and land use affect the distribution and vitality of wild and honey bees (e.g., regarding pollination services or interspecies competition for floral resources. The data National data are link to European and worldwide databases. A German Wild Bee Network is currently set up to facilitate the sharing of wild bee data. Aside wild bee experts, also citizen scientists may share observation data, e.g., via bee recognition apps (see MonViA - Citizen Science - “Wild and honey bee monitoring” ). We are gathering and digitizing historical honey bee data, to allow for long term trend analyses, for the MonViA-Projekt „Honeybee monitoring” , alongside the Citizen Science Projekt „Wild and honey bee monitoring”, all performed in preparation of efficient future monitoring programs.