Juliet Vickery zu Gast in der MonViA Vortragsreihe am 18.04.23 von 11 bis 12 Uhr.
Diversity and inclusion are widely recognised as essential elements of a successful business. A diverse and inclusive workforce brings to the table different backgrounds, skills, experiences and knowledge and, in doing so, leads to more innovation and creativity, better problem solving and higher productivity. In short, many of the features that ornithological science and conservation organisations also require to thrive and remain relevant to a society today.
Despite wide recognition of the need for and value of increasing all elements of diversity, many sectors are struggling to effect and implement change. The ornithological community is one such example where a lack of diversity is evident among professionals and volunteers on which work like that of the European Bird Census Council (EBCC) depends. Drawing on experience mainly from the not for profit sector, including environmental charities and learned societies, I consider (i) the facts and figures in relation to where we are now (ii) the different barriers to participation in citizen science, ornithology and conservation in relation to those elements of diversity for which this is best researched and (iii) approaches to improve this illustrated with ‘real life’ examples. My hope is that this will raise awareness of and inform action towards a more co-ordinated and concerted action to encourage participation in ornithology regardless of a person’s nationality, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality and socio-economic status.
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Informationen zur Gastrednerin Juliet Vickery finden Sie auf der Website des British Trust for Ornithology: https://www.bto.org/about-bto/our-staff/juliet-vickery